International Vechornytsi International Vechornytsi Dear European and Ukrainian colleagues, We invite you to participate at Forum for International Students "International Vech...
KROK & IoT KROK & IoT Another interesting workshop was held at «KROK» University during one of the practical classes in the discipline «IoT» (Internet...

Master Programs in Ukrainian

«KROK» University offers the programs at all levels of higher education: Bachelor, Master and PhD (Doctoral).

In order to study at Graduate level (Master), language of instruction – UKRAINIAN, the applicants may choose among the following majors:

The students have the right to participate in Mobility and Exchange Programs.

Successful Master Degree graduates can proceed their studies at Postgraduate level.

Master Programs in English

«KROK» University offers the programs at all levels of higher education: Bachelor, Master and PhD (Doctoral).

In order to study at Graduate level (Master), language of instruction – ENGLISH, the applicants may choose among the following majors:

Also «KROK» University offers the Double Degree Programs with European HEIs. Such programs aim at training students according to EU standards with the further awarding of two qualifications – Ukrainian one and one of European partner University:

The students have the right to participate in Mobility and Exchange Programs.

Successful Master Degree graduates can proceed their studies at Postgraduate level.

Graduate Programs

«KROK» University conducts full-time, as well as part-time studies. Depending on a program, the languages of the instruction are: English and Ukrainian. The following majors are offered to obtain Master Degree:

The students have the right to participate in Mobility and Exchange Programs.

Successful Master Degree graduates can proceed their studies at Postgraduate level.


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