Medical Service

Healthcare at University

At «KROK» University there are medical offices № 203 and № 204, ext. tel. 150

Working Hours: Monday - Saturday from 9:00 to 19:00, Sunday - from 9:00 to 16:00.

Medical Services

  • provision of first aid and emergency care;
  • advices on health issues;
  • referrals for counseling and preventive medical examination at the clinic.

Annual medical examination of students

According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 05.08.1994 № 532 full-time students are required to undergo an annual preventive medical examination by the place of residence (registration).

Order of the preventive medical examinations at «KROK» University:

  • students pass annual preventive medical examination at the clinic by the place of registration (free of charge);
  • annual preventive medical examination can be organized and conducted for students (upon their request and at their own expense) in the clinic, with which an agreement is concluded (70 Shcherbakova St);
  • day and time of preventive medical examination is indicated by the doctor of the University after consultation with chief physician of clinics and deans of relevant faculties.

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