Regulations for Admission


Educational activities in the higher educational institution «KROK» University are carried out in accordance with the license of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine series АЕ № 636460 of June 10, 2015.

The Regulations for Admission have been elaborated by the Admission Commission of the «KROK» University (hereinafter - Admission Commission), under the Terms of Admission to higher educational institutions of Ukraine, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine by the Order of March 06, 2024, №266 and registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on March 14, 2024, №379/41724.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The higher educational institution «KROK» University (hereinafter – «KROK» University) announces admission of students for training in higher education at the educational and qualification levels and within the fields of training (majors) according to the licensed amount ... (see Appendix 1).

1.3. The «KROK» University admits citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons residing on the territory of Ukraine on legal grounds, have the appropriate educational (educational and qualification) level and expressed a desire to receive higher education…

Terms of admission and training of foreigners and stateless persons

... Admission to higher educational institutions of foreigners and stateless persons is carried out in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", "On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons", "On Ukrainians Abroad", "On Refugees and Persons in Need of Additional or of temporary protection", "On the establishment of additional legal and social guarantees for citizens of the Republic of Poland who are in the territory of Ukraine", by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 12, 2018 No. 729 "Issue of obtaining higher education by certain categories of persons", by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated November 1, 2013 No. 1541 "Some issues of organization of recruitment and training (internship) of foreigners and stateless persons", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 25, 2013 under No. 2004/24536, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated December 2, 2019 of the year No. 1498 "On approval of the Procedure for establishing quotas for obtaining higher education by foreigners and stateless persons within the scope of the state order in accordance with international treaties of Ukraine", registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on February 10, 2020 under No. 153/34436.

... Citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus who do not have permanent (temporary) residence permit in Ukraine are accepted for studies by individual permission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine…

... Foreign citizens and stateless persons (hereinafter - foreign citizens) can obtain higher education at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities, if otherwise is not provided by international treaties of Ukraine, consent to the obligation of which is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, legislation or agreements between higher educational institutions on international academic mobility…

... Foreign citizens and stateless persons shall submit the following documents to the University:

  • Application form;
  • 2 copies of Passport notarized translation into Ukrainian (or Temporary residence permit);
  • Original copy of High school certificate (with marks/grades) OR Diploma on higher education + its notarized translation into Ukrainian (please, mind that the foreign applicants should legalize their documents on education at Ukrainian Embassy in his/her country);
  • 8 photos 3x4 cm;
  • Letter from the previous University in which it should be stated that there are no claims from the University to the student (if the student has already studied and had the registration on the territory of Ukraine);
  • Academic Transcript of Records issued by a foreign/Ukrainian educational institution (in case of transfer or renewal of studies, starting from 2nd year of studies).

... A copy of a document certifying received education and containing the grades for the subjects, a report on general health state, certificate of HIV infection absence and a copy of a birth certificate must be certified in accordance with the laws of the country of residence and legalized in the established order, unless otherwise is provided by international treaties of Ukraine.

... For foreign educational documents the procedure of Recognition (equivalence setting) is compulsory. It must be initiated by the owner of the documents within the first month of studies at the University. Recognition (equivalence setting) of documents for the purpose of continuing education must be done be the beginning of the second semester of the first year of studies…

... Foreign citizens who come to Ukraine to study are enrolled on accredited educational programs in the following terms:

  • to obtain Bachelor's, Master's degrees:
Admission stages* I flow II flow
Applications and documents submission starts April 15 July 01
Deadline for applications and documents submission May 20 (inclusive) November 29 (inclusive)
Admission exams till May 20 till November 29
Enrollment of students not later than May 21 not later than November 30
  • during a year for postgraduate and doctoral studies, according to the curriculum of Preparatory Course in learning Ukrainian or English languages, a professional development and internship.

* The academic year starts at the beginning of September, mid of October, mid of November (depending on a program).

Andrii Lotariev

Andrii Lotariev
Director of Institute of International Education

Oksana Serdiuk

Oksana Serdiuk
Project Manager

+380 44 455 69 83, ex. 118, 267
[email protected]

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