Legal Regulations


  1. Foreigners, who have arrived to Ukraine to study, after the arrival to the point of destination specified in the visa or in the assignment to the study (for those who enjoy visa-free access), are required within 24 hours to hand over the national documents to the administration of the institution for the official registration the right of residence in Ukraine. Temporary residence permit should be made: due to the date of the contract; the term of health insurance; due to the passport validity.
  2. Foreigners, whose passport expires, must extend it in advance or change the passport and submit photocopy of a new passport to the administration of the institution for a passport prolongation.
  3. Foreigners, whose registration expires (Temporary residence permit), must pass the national passport for registration prolongation not later than 20 days prior to the expiration date of registration (Temporary residence permit) or in written form inform the administration about the timely inability to give a passport, indicating the reason (lost, changing).
  4. If they need to travel abroad, foreigners must apply with a written request to the University administration for processing travel authorizations.
  5. University lodges the student and prepares his/her registered at the dormitory. To change the place of residence, foreigners must obtain the written consent of the University and for 10 days, with the assistance of the University, issue a residence permit to a private address.
  6. After the graduation, as well as in the case of early expulsion, foreigners, in the case of no other legal grounds for staying in the territory of Ukraine, must leave the territory of Ukraine till the date of the passport registration termination.
  7. Duty to follow the timing of the passport and registration, timely passport changing, passport passing for registration prolongation and processing the residence at a private address lies in foreigners.

Failure to follow these rules would entail the imposition of sanctions under Articles 203, 204, 206 of the Administrative Offences Code of Ukraine.

In the case of student non-fulfillment of these Regulations and overlapping in connection with this the penalty to the University (the officials), the student must reimburse the University (officials) the amount of expenses incurred in connection with violation of these Regulations.

Administrative Offences Code of Ukraine

Article 203. Violation of the Staying Regulations in Ukraine by foreigners…

Violation of the Staying Regulations in Ukraine by foreigners and stateless persons, that is, living without documents on the right of residence in Ukraine, with invalid documents or documents, the validity of which has expired, or failure to comply with the established order of moving and changes of residence, or failure to depart from Ukraine after the end of the exact term ... - entails the imposition of a penalty 30 - 50 UMCI (510 - 850 UAH).

Article 204. Violation of the order of the training admission, housing, registration, residence permit for foreigners ...

Violation by the enterprises officials, institutions and organizations regardless of ownership, which operate in Ukraine, the established order of employment, the foreigners training admission, providing them with housing ... – entails the imposition of a penalty 100 - 200 UMCI (1700 - 3400 UAH).

Article 206. Violation of the order of providing the foreigners with housing ...

Providing housing for foreigners, vehicles, facilitating their illegal registration, training, employment, the provision of other illegal services... - entail the imposition of a penalty 300 - 500 UMCI (5100 - 8500 UAH).

Andrii Lotariev

Andrii Lotariev
Director of Institute of International Education

+380 44 455 69 83, ex. 118, 153

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