Preparatory Course

The Preparatory Course for International Students is a structural part of Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education at the «KROK» University. It offers services to prospective students – foreign citizens, who plan to receive higher education in Ukraine. The Course was licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for first time in 2001.

At the Preparatory Course students are offered 1-year (7-10 months) language training for further education in Ukrainian or foreign universities. It provides information on a wide range of topics, including immigration issues, financial questions, social and cultural differences, and resources at «KROK» University and in the community.

The specialization acquired by the graduates of the Preparatory Course is Economics, Engineering, Medicine etc. The University offers Preparatory course to study – Ukrainian, English, German and Polish languages.

The classes usually start within the period of September 15 - November 15. Among others the courses include – chosen Language, Mathematics, History, Economics, Computer Studies, Physics, Chemistry, Biology.

Moreover the Preparatory Course offers additional mandatory services - medical insurance and visa support.

During the period of study at the Course foreign citizens are provided with accommodation in four-bed rooms in the University dormitory situated within ten minutes walk from the University. The security system, counselling services and food court service make the living conditions at the dormitory safe and comfortable.

The Preparatory Course for International Students offers high level training for a successful admission to any Ukrainian or foreign higher educational institution. Graduates of the program are competent in the basic disciplines required for admission to university and have a profound knowledge of chosen language that enables them to apply to higher educational institutions.

The University is capable to provide the appropriate training quality for international students due to the following factors:

  • Highly professional course and teaching staff;
  • Up-to-date technical support and infrastructure of the University of the IV (the highest) level of accreditation that facilitate pedagogical, methodological, informational support of the training process;
  • Compliance with the demands of educational services market;
  • Active feedback from the students;
  • Self-improvement ability.

Required Documents

The following documents are required for admission to the Preparatory Course of the University:

  • Invitation for study (is provided by the University on student’s demand);
  • 2 copies of Passport notarized translation into Ukrainian (or Temporary residence permit);
  • Original copy of High school certificate (with marks/grades) OR Diploma on higher education + its notarized translation into Ukrainian (please, mind that the foreign applicants should legalize their documents on education at Ukrainian Embassy in his/her country);
  • Open-end return ticket;
  • 12 photos 3,5x4,5 cm;

The active development of preparatory training system for international students fully corresponds to the mission of «KROK» University written down in its Charter and opens up new opportunities for further improvement of training of students at various qualification degrees in different majors.

Graduates of the Preparatory Course can proceed their studies at Undergraduate Programs, Graduate Programs or Postgraduate Programs of «KROK» University or other higher educational institutions of Ukraine.

Andrii Lotariev

Andrii Lotariev
Director of Institute of International Education

Oksana Serdiuk

Oksana Serdiuk
Project Manager

+380 44 455 69 83, ex. 118, 267
[email protected]

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