All Courses

The main goal of «KROK» University is to provide students with qualitative training and facilitate their competitiveness on the labour market. At present, the University enrolls students to departments of full-time and part-time studies. In 2002«KROK» University established the Preparatory Course for foreign citizen.

Now more than 700 foreign students from 43 countries are studying at Undergraduate Programs, Graduate Programs or Postgraduate Programs of «KROK» University.

«KROK» University conducts full-time, as well as part-time studies. Depending on a program, the languages of the instruction are: English and Ukrainian.

The following majors are offered to obtain Bachelor Degree

In English

In Ukrainian

The following majors are offered to obtain Master Degree

In English

The students have the right to participate in Mobility and Exchange Programs.

Andrii Lotariev

Andrii Lotariev
Director of Institute of International Education

Oksana Serdiuk

Oksana Serdiuk
Project Manager

+380 44 455 69 83, ex. 118, 267
[email protected]

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