Finance, Banking and Insurance
The development of the financial market and the strengthening of the relevant economic processes (in particular, the intensification of competition) in some of its segments force financial institutions to seek new forms and ways of positioning their services. The aggressive nature of the banking sector development, the continuous improvement of financial services technologies and the universalization of financial and credit activity in general are the main factors in the emergence of modern forms and methods of conducting savings and investment business. Globalization, international integration and growing competition make banks and insurance companies continually increase, reformat, and update their services. An important place in the list of stimulating factors for the development of integration processes in the banking and insurance business is the desire of financial institutions to maintain (or even increase) the level of profitability of their activities. In these conditions, the effective way to achieve such a goal is to use competitive advantages by consolidating capital and proposing new integrated products.
At the current stage of development of the Ukrainian economy one of the priority directions of state policy is to ensure its financial security. In the conditions of the openness of the national economy and the strengthening of its dependence on the dynamics of the global economy and the processes of globalization, it becomes obvious that the prevention of both external and internal challenges and threats is evident.
That is precisely what determines the increased need for Financiers, and it is these necessary knowledge they can obtain while studying at «KROK» University.

The acquired competences and abilities during the study of Finance, Banking and Insurance major:
- mastering in analysis methods of Enterprise Financial Activity;
- ability to use obtained practice concerning Enterprise Management;
- mastering in financial accounting, analysis of enterprise financial outcomes, financial controlling and in development of amendment measures;
- ability to use in practice a knowledge about state finance system: budget planning and accomplishment, its exchequer service etc.;
- mastering in insurance, leasing and other financial affairs.
As a result the experts in Finance, Banking and Insurance are able to carry out detailed substantial impartial analysis of state financial system and enterprise financial activity outcomes, as well as to provide specific appropriate recommendations and suggestions on the basis of conducted analysis.

Experts in Finance, Banking and Insurance has the rights to perform as an Insurance Agent, Securities Dealer (Seller), Appraiser (Assessment Expert), Expert in Assets Management, Expert in Financial Economic Security. Financier should be able to manage the funds efficiently, to determine tax charges correctly, to act in the financial markets and to protect savings from inflation. Another field where Finance graduate can realize himself is Banking. Every banker should know how the bank operates including the understanding of resources relocation process, the financial services industry construction to concentrate on the client’s interests, credit accommodation activity, business plans and business activity assessment determination; where better to invest, revenue forecasting, marketing activities implementation - financial services developing and forecasting. It is also important to be able to seek for monetary resources in the world market and attract them to Ukrainian. At present, banks have quite branched activities that causes the need of proficient specialists who possess the high level of up-to-date knowledge and skills. That is why the University insists not only on required courses but also on work experience gaining within chosen profession as University’s cooperation with leading Ukrainian banking institutions allows going through the professional internship.
After graduating with the state diploma student can apply for following internal posts within banks:
- Financial Departments Manager within Financial Banking Units who fulfills the operations on Monetary Resources Relocation over Credits, Securities, Foreign Exchange, Real Estate
- Credit Transactions Expert within International Currency Payments and Commercial Banks
- Monetary Subdivisions Expert at National Bank of Ukraine, Commercial Banks, Subsidiaries and Representative Offices of Foreign Banks in Ukraine

Majoring in Finance, Banking and Insurance, students master subjects which form the origin of their future careers: Macro- and Microeconomics, Mathematics, Statistics, General Theory of Finance (Money and Crediting, Corporate Finance), Economic Analysis, Financial Management, Financial Services Market, Tax System, Enterprise Financial Activity, Foreign Countries Finance, Portfolio Analysis, Economic Risk, Stock Market and Marketable Investments. In recent years, financier profession became an occupation of prestige. Highly qualified finance specialists are required at government, business and consumer organizations, banks, tax services, investment trusts and insurance companies.
Students study following subjects: Banking Maintenance of Enterprise, Banking Business, Accounting and Auditing within Bank, Information Systems and Technologies within Banking Sector, National Bank of Ukraine and Monetary Policy, Bank Management, Monetary System, Bank Marketing, Bank Supervision.