Tourism brings people from different countries together, allowing them to get acquainted with the world cultural heritage, teaches for peace and tolerance. It is an important factor of economic development and one of the most effective incentives for positive change in society.
Tourism is one of the most promising, dynamic and profitable sectors of the world economy, which accumulates fully available recreational, cultural and historical potential. Professional use of this potential creates the opportunities for significant revenue.
Today our state needs highly qualified young professionals in Tourism, who would be able to increase the level of tourism services and by their daily work to create and maintain a positive image of Ukraine in the world as a country of great cultural and natural resources. Expert in Tourism is a promising and interesting profession that allows one to evolve constantly, explore the world and help others to know it.

Knowledge and skills that students acquire during their learning process:
- knowledge of the regulatory framework in the field of tourism;
- knowledge of theoretical and methodological foundations of tourism science;
- knowledge of the resource potential of territories and the ability to determine the tourist attractiveness of natural, cultural and historical resources and to assess the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of tourism infrastructure resources;
- possession of skills in developing and implementing a quality tourism product;
- understanding of the technological features of the organization of tourist services;
- ability to analyze and manage the resource potential of enterprises in the tourism industry;
- knowledge of marketing technologies in tourism;
- ability to use marketing research methods in tourism using modern technologies and information and communication technologies;
- ability to effectively use tools and technologies of modern management in the organization of tourism enterprises;
- possession of modern information, computer technologies and customer service technologies;
- knowledge of communication skills and skills of working with clients;
- ability to effectively carry out activities in the field of intercultural interaction.

Experts in Tourism can hold positions of tourism managers, travel agents, tour operators, heads of travel agencies, affiliates of tourist agencies, tourist centers, enterprises of the tourist industry (including hotel complexes). Also, the can perform works of organizers of excursions, managers of the tourist group, managers of a certain tourist destination, booking agents, tourism agents (inbound, outbound, domestic), animators, tourism consultants. In addition, a graduate of the Tourism major can start his/her own business.

The training of Experts in Tourism field is conducted by the Department of Tourism of «KROK» University.
The University has many years of specialist training in economic and legal fields, so the training of future professionals in Tourism focuses on formation of knowledge and skills of entrepreneurship, running one’s own business, study of the aspects of enterprise management in a competitive environment, regulatory features of functioning of the tourism industry.
«KROK» has a positive and satisfactory experience of the training of experts in the field of international relations, so a special emphasis is on the formation of professionals who can effectively operate in an international competition on the tourist market, have in-depth knowledge of country, national identity and can represent Ukraine at the international scene, possessing several languages as a tool for professional and intercultural communication.
Also the leading role in training is given to fostering of a creative style of analytical thinking, communication skills, ability to use modern computer and information technologies in the tourism industry, to create and implement research projects.
The training of experts focuses on the study of the foundations of tourism organization, hotel and restaurant management, legal regulation of tourism activity, marketing, management, economics, as well as world culture, local history, country studies etc. Undoubtedly, Expert in Tourism cannot work without the knowledge of several foreign languages (at least two).