Accounting and Taxation
Those, who choose the field of study of "Accounting and Taxation", choose a responsible job, which requires the specialist deep economic knowledge, attention, concentration, persistence and perseverance, but which is required in every sphere and which is always in demand. The important element of the competitive advantage of the «KROK» University graduate is the thoroughness of the complex of obtained knowledge and the possibility to apply them in practice in a dynamic business environment.
The prospective for the student who studies Accounting and Taxation is not just to be an Accountant, but also to be the analyst, who is able to manage the economic and financial departments of the enterprise, forecast its development, conduct qualified expert evaluation of the property, ownership evaluation, give the necessary recommendations on its preservation control and most efficient use.

The acquired competences and abilities during the study of Accounting and Taxation major:
- to interpret the economic facts in accordance with their nature (content) and form of reflection in the management to the current legislation of Ukraine;
- possession of legal knowledge of universal role, be aware of the Constitution of Ukraine provisions, International Law. Systematically enrich, analyze and apply legal instruments in the professional activity;
- possession of the skills of financial accounting, analysis of financial results of the enterprise activity, financial control and the development of measures to improve them;
- to use the acquired new knowledge and innovations in practice. To work on personal computers toward the possession of advanced technologies for the preparation of testing, documentation, obtaining the information through the physical media, INTERNET system, E-mail;
- to take into account in the activity the specifics of the work-related relations on the enterprise, responsibility for made decisions of individual officials and enterprise in general, do not violate subordination in relations and interests, agree the solutions, strategy of the activity of department or the whole enterprise with regulations and current legislation.

In the labour market, the demand for highly professional accounting, auditing and taxation specialists has always been high, and in today's environment, it is growing even more. Graduates of this educational program can successfully work in accounting services (chief accountants, accounting and auditing specialists), financial services (financial managers, financial analysts), and planning and economic subdivisions of various business entities, as well as in managerial positions. Departments of accounting and reporting in Ministries and departments. With strong theoretical knowledge and a certain length of work in the chosen educational program, accounting, auditing and taxation specialists can engage in audit work and manage the financial services of a wide variety of economic actors.
The versatility and specificity of the training makes it possible for graduates of "KROK" University educational program "Accounting and Taxation", to quickly and successfully adapt to the modern requirements in the labour market and find themselves in prestigious and high paying positions in various fields of business or to start their own business.

The students study the following normative and professional subjects: Economic Theory and Economic History, Higher Mathematics and Probability Theory, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Statistics, Finances and Credit, Enterprises Economics, Systems of Technology, Accounting, Marketing, International Economics, Economics and Mathematical Methods and Models, Legal Support of Economic Activity, Management of Personnel and Labour Economics, Strategic Management, Business Planning, Foreign Language, Management, Economic Analysis, Audit, Financial Accounting, Analysis of Economic Activity, Accounting and Reporting in Taxation.
Students of the educational program "Accounting and Taxation" are practicing, enriching their theoretical knowledge and acquiring practical experience in public and private economic enterprises, financial institutions, audit companies, state fiscal authorities, commercial banks, etc.