International Relations, Public Relations and Regional Studies
We can say it with confidence that today the information and those who possess it - manage the world. Without the necessary information, without a thorough preliminary analysis it is difficult to start any business, so it is not easy to maintain and achieve success in it. Paying the attention to peculiarities of the modern world, which seeks to integrate, and wants our country to become a full member of the international community, the role of the specialist, who works directly with the information, and especially in international relations, is of such an importance. The information revolution, which began several decades ago and continues to have a huge impact virtually on all aspects of human activity, requires from an international specialist such relevant competencies as knowledge of the fundamental foundations of international relations, the components and functional processes of the system of international relations and ability to effectively and creatively use them in their professional activities. At the same time, highly skilled specialists of this specialty require knowledge of the principles and methods of information work, the ability to apply specific methods and methods of information flows processing and the preparation of analytical materials, the ability to use various technical means for information work in international relations.

The acquired competencies and skills during the study of International Relations, Public Relations and Regional Studies major:
- thorough knowledge of the history and current state of international relations;
- knowledge of key principles and methods of information and analytical work;
- knowledge of the tools and methods of information wars and operations analysis;
- knowledge of tools and methods for the analysis of social systems and processes;
- knowledge of the tools and methods of modeling and forecasting in the field of international relations;
- knowledge of fundamentals and principles of information and political consulting;
- logical argumentation;
- analytical thinking;
- possession of conceptual apparatus and theoretical knowledge in the field of international relations;
- application of methods of activity management, search for managerial decisions;
- ability to analyze the experience of information warfare and psychological operations in international relations using;
- conduction of exploratory and normative forecasting;
- formation of ones’ own views on the phenomena, events and processes in politics, both domestically and in international relations;
- ability to use professional-specialized knowledge and practical skills to solve practical issues in the field of information and analytical work.
Graduates of major of International Relations, Public Relations and Regional Studies are able to:
- conduct information-analytical studies;
- compose review and essays by foreign information materials;
- conduct the search the documentary and factual information;
- systematize and summarize data, identify key points;
- identify the regular relationships of life activity of the individual and the impact of environment on him/her in the information society;
- provide the supervision of the team of Information Analysts of International Affairs;
- knowledge of principles and organizational mechanisms for managing the Internet;
- knowledge of methods and means of PR-activities on the Internet.

Graduates of the field of "International Relations, Public Relations and Regional Studies" can work in the field of politics and public administration; in the field of diplomacy and international relations; in units, departments of international relations of various enterprises and organizations, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to hold the positions of: Expert in Information Work; Assistant Informational Analyst-Internationalist; Assistant Advisor (Expert) in International Communications; Assistant Specialist in Public Relations and Press, Specialist in International Cooperation in Local Self-Government Bodies, etc.

While studying at the University students - future Experts in International Relations, Public Relations and Regional Studies, in addition to general majors (History of Ukraine, Philosophy, Ukrainian and Foreign cultures, Political Science, Sociology, etc.) have to master a series of legal subjects of vocational and practical direction: Country Studies, Theory of International Relations, International Relations and World Politics, Diplomatic and Consular Service, Foreign Policy of Ukraine, Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette, Information and Analytical Activities in International Relations, International Information, Global Economy, International Economic Relations, Ukraine Economy and Foreign Economic Relations.
The students of this major pass the Internship in the government; research institutions; the media; public and commercial organizations engaged in international activities.