International Economic Relations
Economic globalization, which has become a sign of the modern world economic development, puts forward new requirements for specialists training. It requires experts who are well versed in the laws and tendencies of the global market environment, able to analyze it, make proper decisions about the activities of companies in this environment, possess the skills to conduct business negotiations, own the basics of cross-cultural management. International Economic Relations major training is focused on such experts. It allows future specialists to freely navigate in economy and law, the peculiarities of national psychology and social organizations of different countries, to know the problems of global economic space.
Mandatory study of several foreign languages enables the empowerment activism in international business, successful participation in the negotiations, and the development of individual intellectual abilities. To realize themselves in practice as international economists, students study a wide range of professional, as well as general disciplines including international marketing, international finance, international economic activity of Ukraine, international economic law, accounting in foreign countries, international trade, international investment, international organizations, information systems and technologies in the international economy etc.

The acquired competences and abilities during the study at International Economic Relations major:
- possession of research methods as well as methods of reporting and analysis of specific situations in international economic relations, international economic transactions development;
- ability to analyze the place of countries in the world economic environment and make decisions relating to foreign economic activity subjects entry and stay in it;
- ability to use in practical activity legal basics of business dealing in international environment and modern information systems and technologies;
- ability to explore the prospects of enterprises activity internationalization, to apply a global approach to solving practical problems;
- ability to perform other necessary professional production functions, typical tasks and demonstrate skills that should ensure effective professional work in practice.
As a result the experts in International Economic Relations are able to conduct a comprehensive, thorough, objective analysis of the international economy and foreign economic activity and prepare appropriate specific recommendations and proposals, use information technologies to solve experimental and practical problems in the field of International Economic Relations.
International Economists are engaged in organization, planning, coordination, analysis and monitoring of international trade, developing of exit strategies on export markets and their implementation, development plans, foreign trade, looking for foreign partners and the conclusion of their foreign trade transactions, conclusion and administering of agreements with foreign banks. They need to have a good knowledge of conflicts resolution mechanisms

Graduates of International Economic Relations major may occupy the following positions: Expert in Assets Management, Trade Expert-Organizer within Securities Market, Expert in Exchange Transactions, Expert in Financial and Economic Security.
Specialists in International Economic Relations can work as experts-consultants on businesses, which provide foreign trade, researchers of research institutions and laboratories engaged in research and teaching. This profession is for focused and hardworking. Collaboration with foreign companies, travels to different countries expand horizons, make it possible to see the world, get to know the customs, lifestyle and national characteristics of other nations. In addition, the International Economic Relations is one of the most highly paid professions.

International Economic Relations in Ukrainian is offered for citizens of Ukraine and International students, who finished the preparatory course in Ukrainian.
International Economic Relations in Russian is offered for International students only. The training is conducted in the international environment, which creates the comfortable atmosphere for foreign students.
International Economic Relations in English. «KROK» University implements the specialized educational program «KROK-Exclusive», which was developed by the leading experts in International Relations. From the first year of study 100% of disciplines within the program are taught in English. The study of the German language is compulsory, the third language is optional. This program provides ideal conditions for the formation of professional knowledge and skills in International Economic Relations.
Another program that is studied within the International Economic major is a joint Ukrainian-Austrian Export Oriented Management Program. Participation in it allows students along with educational program of «KROK» University to master training course of Austrian University of Applied Sciences IMC (Krems) and along with Ukrainian state diploma get the diploma of a foreign institution. The program is accredited by the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria.
During the training the students of International Economic Relations major may participate in Mobility and Exchange Programs