Economics may be called the art of housekeeping. Use of knowledge can show, for example, how to use resources to reach maximum profits with minimum expenses. It is said that students who learn economy actually study the mechanism of the company existence, regardless of its size (small business or large multinational corporation) and ownership form.
Graduates of Economics and Entrepreneurship Faculty have a wide range of areas where they can implement the skills and find the willing job on any enterprise, any organization or institution that may exist in the state economic system. Economist profession is occupation of prestige. However, becoming real pro needs a substantial theoretical training along with practical experience gaining and «KROK» University helps students to attain the needed.

The acquired competences and abilities during the study of Enterprise Economics major:
- possession of methods of analysis of the results of enterprise economic activity, the ability to calculate the performance of effective activity;
- to use in practice the acquired skills in enterprise management, be able to calculate the actual and projected labor productivity in the enterprise; to determine the number of personnel by categories, departments, professions and positions; calculate the complexity of the production program of the enterprise;
- possession of skills to identify provisions of the economical use of production resources by units, products, cost elements; to calculate the cost-effectiveness from introducing austerity use of resources in the production;
- possession of skills to determine the enterprise production capacity and reserves to use the enterprise production capacity; to determine an adequate level of resourcing output; to perform the necessary calculations of scheduled economic indicators; to be able to do the pre-market analysis;
- to be able to determine the position of the enterprise relative to competitors, its competitive advantages;
- to possess skills in financial provision of investment projects, investment risks.
As a result the experts in Enterprise Economics are able to conduct a comprehensive, thorough, objective analysis of enterprise financial and economic activity analysis; on the basis of the conducted financial and economic analysis they are able to prepare appropriate recommendations and suggestions.

Graduates of «KROK» University may hold positions of specialists of economic units and services of enterprises of various forms of ownership, in particular, state and commercial financial and credit structures, after the successful completion of studies in the field of Economics. The University creates the appropriate conditions for students to study foreign languages, therefore, for graduates of KROK, prospects for working abroad are opened.

The students majoring in « Economics» should attend following professional disciplines: Business Analytics, Economics of Civil Organizations, Small and Medium-Sized Business, Innovative Entrepreneurship, Information Systems and Technologies in Business, Consulting Entrepreneurship, Organization of Production, Entrepreneurship in Foreign Economic Activity, Planning and Control at an Enterprise, Potential and Enterprise Development, Project Analysis Strategy of Enterprises, Cost Management, Capital and Enterprise Management, Financial Entrepreneurship, Pricing in Business etc.
Those who got basic higher education, seeking to deepen their knowledge in the economic sphere and build their own career, can continue their studies at the Specialist's degree and Master's Degree studying Financial Management, Strategic Enterprise Management, Project Management, Human Resources Management, International Management, Economic Diagnostics, Production Potential Management, Economics and Enterprises Association Activity Organization etc. Students can likewise choose a number of elective trainings for instance Pension System, Business Entities Lending, State Financial Control, Financial Monitoring, Corporate Finance Management, Production Management etc.
The University provides students with an internship. Likewise, during the training process, every student can contact the Career Development Center and get a consultation on resume writing, employment, job proposals reviewing.