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Ukrainian-Hungarian Diploma

Double Degree Program in Management, Tourism and Hospitality

According to the forecasts of UNWTO and WTTC, the global tourism industry is expected to grow and diversify in the following decades. This also increases the need for qualified labour all around the world, especially at managerial level, since strategic planning and development will play a crucial role in destinations’ and companies’ competitiveness in the dynamically changing market.

Double Degree Bachelor Program in Tourism and Hospitality is implemented jointly by «KROK» University (Ukraine) and Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (Hungary). The program is accredited by Hungarian Accreditation Committee. The program aims at training students according to EU standards with the further awarding of two qualifications: Manager (Ukrainian degree) and Economist in Tourism and Hospitality, specialization: Hotel Management (Hungarian degree).

Join us if you wish to

  • learn to analyze global trends in Tourism,
  • understand social, technological, environmental and political challenges in contemporary tourism and hospitality,
  • gain a thorough grounding in managerial, marketing, business information and financial skills,
  • benefit from real-world experience through international internships.
  • Obtaining of two diplomas (Ukrainian and European)
  • Internship abroad
  • Participation in Erasmus+ credit mobility programs
  • Possibility to participate in mobility programs of Hungarian University
  • Language proficiency in English and Russian
  • Training, based on European teaching methods
  • 1 week training session in Hungary in VI semester of study + 2-3 days visit for final examinations (exams and Thesis defense)

Language of instruction: English, study duration – 4 years

Kodolanyi Janos University of Applied Sciences (KJU) is a state accredited foundation university offering, academic programs in the fields of tourism & hospitality, business management, mass media & communication, social sciences, history, cultural and language studies. Besides the academic programs KJU also offers a wide range of post secondary, LLP courses for trainers and trainees as well as international semesters, summer courses, study tours and internship programs. The educational standard at KJU is excellent. The highly-qualified faculty are experts in their fields of specialization.

Over the years KJU has succeeded in retaining its position vis-a`-vis state and other private institutions, moreover, it has been able to increase its advantage in some respects. KJU is the largest non-governmental, non-profit institution of higher education in Hungary. It is a basic tenet of KJU that quality is essential for the successful development of academic study, and its quality assurance system has to be extended to all its services. KJU operates according to the basic principles of quality assurance of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee that monitors the quality of education in Hungarian higher education institutions. KJU’s quality assurance system is based on the EFQM Excellence Model: the standard of management, teaching and academic services is checked yearly through strict monitoring.

The excellence in management, education, methodology and services and has been acknowledged with several national and international quality awards.

KJU aims at becoming an internationally recognized university that trains citizens to be responsive to the challenges and opportunities of the rapidly changing global society, an institution known and respected for its adherence to global standards.

In Hungary KJU has pioneered development of e-based training at all levels conforming to EU standards supported with specialist applied research. All programs capitalize on the professional knowledge of qualified faculty and professional trainers as well as guest lecturers from the industry and international partners.

In the field of internationalization KJU is very active with over 260 partnerships in 36 countries all around the globe.

More about KJU

Experts in Tourism can occupy the following positions: Managers in tourism, travel agents, tour operators, managers of tour desks, travel agencies, affiliated travel agencies, tourist bases, enterprises of the tourism industry (including hotel complexes). Also they can work as excursions organizers, leaders of tourist group, managers of certain tourist destination, booking agents, agents for tourism (inbound, outbound, domestic), head of travel agencies departments (e.g., head of marketing and sales department of travel agency), enterprises of tourism industry, animators, consultants on tourism. In addition, graduate of "Tourism" specialty can open his/her own business.

Double Degree Programs

A double-degree program, sometimes called a combined degree, conjoint degree, dual degree, or simultaneous degree program, involves a student's working for two different university degrees in parallel, either at the same institution or at different institutions (sometimes in different countries), completing them in less time than it would take to earn them separately. The two degrees might be in the same subject area (especially when the course is split between countries), or in two different subjects.

In this section one can overview the Double Degree Programs offered by «KROK» University:

More information is available under the following address: 30-32 Tabirna St, Kyiv, Ukraine, «KROK» University, room 418, 415-1 or leave your message and we will contact you.

Ukrainian-Dutch Diploma

Ukrainian-Dutch Double Degree Bachelor Program

The Double Degree Program in Business Administration is implemented by «KROK» University in cooperation with the Netherlands Business Academy (Breda, the Netherlands). The main goal of the project for students is receiving of a qualitative education to get Bachelor Degree in accordance with EU standards.

The program benefits are determined by its unique characteristics. The main ones are:

  • International diploma of the accredited Program of Dutch University;
  • Competence approach to study with the formation of "competence portfolio";
  • Practically-oriented training;
  • Modern methodical approach;
  • Development of entrepreneurial skills;
  • Mentoring as part of the educational concept.

Teaching is provided by the team of highly experienced Ukrainian and the Netherlands lecturers. They combine educational activities with practical ones in fields belonging to the range of their teaching. This ensures a close combination of theory and practice during the classes. Studying is provided by using interactive methods and designed to meet the individual needs of students.

Ukrainian-Dutch Double Degree Bachelor program in Business Administration presupposes obtaining of Ukrainian degree in Management and Dutch BBA degree.

Enrollment/Invitation periods lasts from June 30 till October 30 - Summer intake, from January 15 till February 28 - Winter intake.

Classes start at the second part of October/February.

Duration of the program is 4 years, 8 semesters.

Netherlands Business Academy is the provider of practice-oriented programs, academic courses and master classes in the Netherlands. NLBA is focused on the professional who would like to gain more out of his or her career with practical training. The success of NLBA programs lies in the inspiring and effective encounters between teachers and fellow students. Moreover, all NLBA programs have a direct relationship with daily practice. NLBA guarantees an optimal support in one’s personal development.

The lecturers of NLBA are experienced professionals with an active role in business or government. NLBA programs have undergone the evaluation process, conducted by the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organization (NVAO). The Master of Finance & Control, Master in Business Administration and Bachelor in Business Administration are NVAO accredited programs.

Private and public universities of the Netherlands

NLBA is a private Dutch university. As in many other countries, the Netherlands has a system of private and public universities. In public universities tuition is relatively low. The state compensates them the cost of those students’ education who successfully completed the training. The government provides private universities with no financial support. Accordingly, students of such institutions pay for their education more. Such universities are generally smaller and more focused on the market. They are mostly specialized in working professionals who want to get Bachelor degree, or in companies wishing to conduct training for personnel.

Because public education is well funded and the state guarantees its availability to majority of the population, the private universities can attract students only with a help of high quality training and special programs.

BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration

Business Administration Specialty is now one of the most popular and widely used. The academic degree "Bachelor in Business Administration" is awarded to professionals who are trained to work in business and management. Graduates of this program have the appropriate knowledge and skills and have the kind of world view, based on deep understanding of the features of a market economy and its features, functions and economic role of the state, awareness of social responsibility and the need for civilized ethics of its conduct. The training is created for those who plan in future to claim for responsible positions in business.

The Double Degree Program covers the basic functional fields of the specialty, namely: management, organizational behavior, accounting, finance, marketing, sales, operations management, information technology, law, human resources management. The program curriculum has obvious practical orientation. The Program promotes individual improvement through the development of such qualities as decision making and negotiating capacity for teamwork, leadership, communication skills and presentation.

Education based on competences

The Double Degree Program uses the education system, based on competencies. Competences are the combinations of theoretical knowledge, personal skills and professional attitude. We believe that it is impossible to train practitioners, teaching them only the theory. Students should know how to apply theory in practical situations, and have the right professional attitude.

The Double Degree Program is based on the competencies profile, developed in close cooperation with business environment.

Most bachelor programs train students for a profession in a particular industry or sector. The bachelor in Business Administration is, in contrast, wide-ranging. Students are trained to operate in middle and senior level within any organization.


The bachelor Business Administration is NVAO accredited.

Netherlands Degree in BBA + Ukrainian Degree in Management

Submit documents -> Get enrolled into KROK for Management -> Get enrolled into NLBA for BBA -> start classes online -> apply for visa to Ukraine ->(1) apply for visa to NL with Ukrainian residence permit for on final year -> finish one (both) degree(s) in NL; OR ->(2) Finish both degrees in UA (one 2 weeks visit to NL on 3rd year of studies in compulsory) Benefits:
  • Study in the EU + in UA (candidate to EU membership state)
  • 2 recognized degrees
  • High chance to get EU visa with Ukrainian residence permit
  • Participation in exchange programs with EU Universities, possibility to get scholarship (Erasmus+ Program)
  • Lower prices for accommodation and food in Ukraine, comparing to the Netherlands
  • Lower tuition fee for the program in amount of 2200 Euro per year
  • No financial guarantee
  • Online studies (for the non-identified period)
  • If you want to come to NL physically you will need to cover financial guarantee
  • Cover your stay in NL for 2 weeks visit on 3rd year

Netherlands Degree in BBA

Submit documents -> Get enrolled into NLBA -> Start classes online -> Want to come physically to NL? apply for visa -> study for 4 years -> get NL degree in BBA Benefits:
  • Study in the EU
  • Recognized diploma
  • Practice-oriented training
  • Students are allowed to work up to 16 hours per week or full-time in the summer months (June to August)
  • Possibility of visa refusal
  • Financial guarantee for student’s stay in amount of 10800 Euro (it covers accommodation and health insurance for 1 year, an administrative fee, visa/residence permit costs and an allocation for living expenses)
  • Tuition fee in amount of 9000 Euro per year
  • High prices for accommodation, living expenses in the Netherlands

Send the following documents to this This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:

  • Scan of passport
  • High school certificate (diploma)
  • CV
  • Filled in and signed application form

Ukrainian-Austrian Diploma

Ukrainian-Austrian Program in Export Oriented Management is implemented by «KROK» University (Kyiv, Ukraine) along with IMC University of Applied Sciences (Krems, Austria)

The program opens new horizons for cooperation and experience exchange for both students and teachers of Ukraine and Austria. Its members could learn from the Austrian experience in export oriented management and experience in the development of Ukraine exports, representing a new dimension of cooperation between Ukraine and Austria in the field of higher education. Training is provided by highly qualified teachers and practitioners who are directly involved in export activities. 100% of the subjects are taught in English. Lecturers from IMC University of Applied Sciences (Krems) are directly involved in the program realization.

Program Features:

  • obtaining of two diplomas: Ukrainian one in International Economics and Austrian in Export Oriented Management;
  • combining of fundamental educational programs in International Economics with applied thrust of the Austrian program;
  • language of instruction - English;
  • extensive practical training of students.

The program offers qualitative training of students at Bachelor and Master levels according to Ukrainian standards of education, EU standards and requirements of the existing European educational and commodity markets. The students are taught in English by Ukrainian lecturers, involving lecturers of IMC University of Applied Sciences and qualified practitioners who work in the European business environment. The program provides term studies of Ukrainian students at the IMC University of Applied Sciences and semester of practical training in export oriented companies.

Selection of students is based on the personal qualities of candidates, their language skills and experience.

Applicant must submit a document certifying the passing of an internationally recognized English test IELTS (C1 – for Master, B2 - to study for Bachelor).

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