Rebuilding the Future: Support actions for Ukrainian Youth Entrepreneurs / EYE TO THE FUTURE


Priority: Integration of Ukrainian New Entrepreneurs into the EU business community

Project duration:01.10.2023 – 31.01.2026 (28 month)

Project coordinator: MICROFINANZA SRL, Italy

Project Aims:

The project aims at supporting Ukrainian (aspirant) entrepreneurs to launch, maintain or restart their economic activities, providing an active support through the cooperation with European entrepreneurs, the exchange of experiences, and the inspiration and networking among the EU business community. The project aims at stimulating a green and inclusive Europe, fostering the transition to a sustainable, digital, and resilient economy, and supporting the reconstruction of an attacked country. All the partners provide consolidated experience in business support and a wide network of contacts with the Ukrainian start-up and business ecosystem.

Specific Project Objectives:

The specific objectives are to reach at least 114 successful exchanges, and to enrol at least 205 NEs. The action specifically addresses NEs from Ukraine with particular attention to women and responsible projects, promoting gender equality and a more sustainable economic ecosystem. These objectives will be carried out by a consortium of 5 partners (1 with previous experience in the programme and 4 new IOs) from 5 participating countries (2 underrepresented).


  • Dissemination and exploitation;
  • Management;
  • Financial and non-financial support to mobility for NEs to ease their successful start-up and the development of their business ideas, also through the provision of mentoring by experienced entrepreneurs


  • «KROK» University, Ukraine;
  • Nyuko asbl, Luxembourg;
  • ECSF GMBH, Deutch;
  • Startup Wise Guys, Estonia

About the Program

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is about breaking barriers and crossing borders. The idea behind this exchange programme is that national borders should not curtail potential of SMEs. On the contrary, the EU’s internal market is a great opportunity for SMEs. They should make use of it since it allows them to grow and create jobs. This approach is particularly valuable in times of economic crisis because a dynamic and innovative business community is a pre-requisite to recovery. The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme contributes to fostering an entrepreneurial mindset and behaviour. It fosters development of more internationalised SMEs and creation of more new businesses in Europe — two fundamental elements which will promote sustainable economic development and will benefit all EU countries. Above all, the programme is a business and interpersonal exchange, based on practical experience and joint work on concrete projects rather than plain theory.

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is an EU international exchange programme that gives young or existing entrepreneurs the opportunity to learn from experienced small business leaders in other participating countries.

Andrii Lotariev

Andrii Lotariev
Director of Institute of International Education

Galina Bogachenko

Galina Bogachenko
Director of International Projects Office

+380 44 455 69 83, ex. 118, 267
[email protected]

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