October 2022 - «KROK» University
27 October 2022 In Current News

On October 27, 2022, the selection of “KROK” University students for mobility programs with European higher educational institutions took place.

The selection committee included: Andrii Lotariev, Director of Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education, Anna Drobyna, Head of International Office, Maryna Yevchenko, Project Manager of International Office, Iryna Savchuk, Manager of Student Office, Alina Holtseva, Acting Director of Department of Students’ Affairs.

This time, universities from Austria, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Italy, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Turkey and Croatia were represented among the partners offering mobility programs for the next semester.

The selection of applicants consisted of three stages, namely:

  • Motivation letter;
  • B2 level English language test;
  • Interview with the selection committee.

Selection results are now available at the Facebook group KROK_Exchange. To ensure the transparency, the event was recorded, watch the recording at the link.

Congratulations to the winners! We believe that you will benefit from spending the semester at the European higher educational institution and will worthily represent “KROK” University at the international level!

Good news for those who could not participate in the selection! An additional Call for participation in mobility programs is announced!

Follow the news!

22 October 2022 In Current News

On October 21-22, 2022, sustainability events of Erasmus+ project «Mediation: Training and Society Transformation» were organized in Berlin, Germany, with participation of MEDIATS partners from Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, the Netherlands and Spain. The activities were organized at Freie Berlin University by Hultgren Nachhaltigkeitsberatung UG, consulting company from Berlin, partner of the project.

Halyna Bohachenko, Director of International Project Office of Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education of «KROK» University, represented MEDIATS team of «KROK» University in the role of Partner and Co-coordinator.

During the sustainability training, under the guidance of Oliver Schmidt, director of Hultgren Nachhaltigkeitsberatung UG, and Jan van Zwieten, Rector of Netherlands Business Academy, partners continued to work on sustainability of Mediation program and mediation structure, as well as on ensuring that the project results will be used by multiple stakeholders.

During the project activities management sessions were also organized, using the opportunity of presence of all partners. The general overview of the project was done, focusing on the achieving of project results according to qualitative and quantitative indicators.

On the same days Entrepreneurship summit was conducted, being visited by part of EANET team «Entrepreneurship Alumni Network» (2013-2017). Taking into account that some EANET partners are MEDIATS partners, participants were brought together, joining the Summit and having networking sessions.

Thanks to our partners for organizing such kinds of events.

17 October 2022 In Current News

On October 17, 2022 the first joint lecture of "KROK" University and Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) on the discipline "Sustainability Management" took place. The course is taught simultaneously for students of Ukrainian and German higher educational institutions. Students of the second and fourth year of study of the English-taught programs of "KROK" University (Management (English) and International Economic Relations (Educational Program: International Business) joined the event. The discipline is taught by Doctor of Economics, Prof. Volodymyr Tokar (“KROK” University) and Oliver Schmidt (Freie Universität Berlin).

We would also like to note that the possibility of carrying out this initiative arose as a result of the implementation of the joint Erasmus project of Freie Universität Berlin and “KROK” University - EANET, and with Mr. Oliver Schmidt, our HEI currently cooperates within the Erasmus+ KA2 projects INTERADIS, MEDIATS and CLIMAN.

We thank the German partners for the opportunity for our students to get an interesting experience and we hope for further cooperation!

17 October 2022 In Current News

On October 17, 2022, Welcome Day 2022 was held for first-year international students of English-taught programs. The event was organized by the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education online in Microsoft Teams.

Freshmen had the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of "KROK" University, E-learning platforms used by HEI for conducting online classes, the opportunities for students offered by HEI, to have the virtual tour around the University, and also received information on academic and migration issues. The organizers of the event also presented to the first-year students the Buddy-system, which is being implemented at "KROK" University as part of the INTERADIS project, and told how to get in touch with a Buddy who is ready to help newcomers to adapt to unfamiliar conditions.

Dear freshmen, welcome to KROK family! We wish you success, personal and professional growth in our Alma Mater!

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