April 2022 - «KROK» University
28 April 2022 In Current News

On April 28, 2022, a selection of «KROK» University students for mobility programs with European higher education institutions was held online on Microsoft Teams.

The Selection Committee consisted of Andrii Lotariev, Head of International Office, Anna Drobyna, Project Manager, Maryna Yevchenko, Administration Manager and Iryna Pavlova, Student Manager of Student’s Office.

This time among the partners offering mobility programs for the next semester there were the universities of Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Spain, Croatia and Austria.

The selection results are already available in KROK_Exchange group on Facebook

To ensure transparency, the event was recorded, it is available via the link

Congratulations to the winners! We believe that you will benefit from spending a semester in а European higher educational institution and worthily represent «KROK» University at the international level!

For all the rest we are waiting at the next selection in October 2022! Follow the news!

26 April 2022 In Current News

On April 26, 2022, Andrii Lotariev, Head of International Office, and Anna Drobyna, Project Manager, took part in Open Day Event, organized by Businet network.

Businet is a network of international higher education institutions (both private and public universities and colleges) that share a common vision for the internationalization of their HEIs. Businet creates an environment that facilitates the exchange of best practices and encourages collaboration between like-minded organizations.

The purpose of Open Day Event was to demonstrate solidarity with Ukrainian educators during the difficult times of the war, to gather ideas for support of Ukrainian higher education institutions by European HEIs, to get acquainted with urgent problems faced by higher education in Ukraine. Moreover, Businet network offers free membership to Ukrainian HEIs in its network for at least three years.

We thank the partners for the opportunity to join European initiatives, we hope for fruitful cooperation in the educational network!

23 April 2022 In Current News

On April 19-23, 2022, a study visit combined with training was organized at Turiba University in Riga, Latvia in frameworks of Erasmus+ project CLIMAN/ «Synergy of educational, scientific, management and industrial components for climate management and climate change prevention». The activity was organized onsite and online in order to involve Ukrainian partners.

Halyna Bohachenko, Project Manager of International Office, presented the team of «KROK» University.

The following topics were highlighted at the event:

  • «Integration of Climate management and Sustainability aspects in study process»;
  • «Experience of Latvia in Climate management and Sustainability field»;
  • «How and what to teach students about Climate management?»;
  • «Sharing economy – future of sustainability or modern short-term trend idea and concept of sharing economy, examples in Europe and Latvia»;
  • «Discussion – digital tools and trends in education».

Moreover, CLIMAN partners had the opportunity to participate in Scientific Conference «Communication and development of interdisciplinary competences in the digital age» and to get acquainted with teams of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project DISCOM «Development of Interdisciplinary skills for cooperation and conflict management».

The new Book «Interdisciplinary skills for cooperation and conflict management» was presented. Full version of the book is available also at the project website

Dear Partners, the videos from the Event are available following the link, password: wKQHcxZ3

All partners in their speeches expressed their sincere sympathy and inspiring words of support to Ukrainian people. All further project activities will be postponed till the end of war in Ukraine, such decision have already been negotiated and agreed by Georgian and the EU partners during project meeting of the consortium on April 5, 2022.

Many thanks to the team of Turiba University for organization of the wonderful and fruitful event!

18 April 2022 In Current News

On April 18, 2022, Information Event «Erasmus Day» took place online on Microsoft Teams. It was organized by International Office, in particular: Andrii Lotariev, Head of International Office, Anna Drobyna, Project Manager and Maryna Yevchenko, Administration Manager.

Students at different educational levels had the opportunity to receive information about mobility (exchange) programs implemented by «KROK» University to learn about the selection procedure and the universities that are offered for selection for the next semester. Anyone who has not been able to join can watch the video of the event at the link

We truly thank all the participants and would be glad to see everyone at the selection on April 28, 2022!

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