April 2023 - «KROK» University
28 April 2023 In Current News

On April 28, 2023, under the patronage of USAID project «Economic Support of Ukraine», the public organization «Ukrainian Marketing Association», the Scientific and Methodological Center of Higher and Professional Pre-Higher Education, as well as the Federation of Employers of Ukraine the International Forum devoted to popularization of dual form of education «Public Dialogue of Business and Educational Institutions» was organized. About 150 representatives of academic and business institutions participated in the event.

The welcoming speech was given by: Iryna Lilyk (president of NGO «Ukrainian Marketing Association»), Snizhana Leu-Severynenko (Ph.D., senior manager of labor potential development of the USAID Project «Economic Support of Ukraine»), Lyudmila Vasilega (director, Center of Competences and Human Capital Development of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine).

The purpose of the event was to discuss practical cases of the implementation of a dual form of education in Ukraine and popularize best practices.

Representative of COOPERA project coordinator from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova - Lilia Kovash, Associate professor, spoke about the experience of Moldova in the field of implementing programs under the dual form of education. The event was attended by the partners of the consortium from Ukraine. Team from «KROK» University (Natalia Litvin - First Vice-Rector of the University, PhD, professor and Andrii Lotariev - Director of Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education, Ph.D.), presented COOPERA project to colleagues from educational institutions and employers.

Participants gained international experience from foreign partners from Kazakhstan, Moldova, Latvia, discussed the news, challenges, and shared best practices. Telegram channel for students «DualClud.UA» to popularize dual education among students, and also the European online platform for training mentors, which, thanks to USAID, has been already translated into different languages were presented.

The partners actively participated in the discussions, which highlighted the following topics: «Interaction between employers and educational institutions during the dual form of education» (Dagnia Vanaga, director of Riga State Technical College), «What do employers benefit if they participate in dual training?» (Gunta Tilaka, coordinator of experts of industry councils of the Confederation of Employers of Latvia), «Peculiarities of implementation of dual form of education by agricultural higher education institutions» (Yuriy Danko, doctor of economic sciences, professor, vice-rector for scientific work of Sumy National Agrarian University).

Many thanks for the wonderful organization of the event! We believe that such meetings will help us develop, popularize and implement dual forms of education!

21 April 2023 In Current News

April 21, 2023, «KROK» University team took an active part at the Round Table of Erasmus+ INTERADIS «International Students Adaptation and Integration» project, organized by Odessa National Polytechnic University.

The members of the consortium prepared presentations, in which they highlighted the achievements of Universities within the project implementation period, advantages and current problems that arise during the integration of international students into university life and the educational process. The specifics of cooperation of international offices with students, the development and sending of study invitations in Ukrainian universities were also discussed, the participants took part in discussions regarding the topical issues that arose during the presentations and share valuable experience.

Andriі Lotariev, Director of Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education of «KROK» University, Maryna Yevchenko, Project Manager, and the team of the International Project Office of Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education, took an active part and presented the strategy for the development and improvement of the integration of International students into the active life of the University. Moreover, «KROK» team shared its own experience in helping students to adapt in Ukraine, introduced other partners to the features and advantages of Buddy KROK system, developed by the University, and introduced the newly created co-working area. The admissions campaign and the specifics of creating invitations to study at Ukrainian universities were also discussed.

We are very grateful to our colleagues for their active participation and cooperation!

19 April 2023 In Current News

On April 19, 2023, the selection of «KROK» University students for mobility programs with European higher educational institutions took place.

The selection committee included: Andrii Lotariev, Director of Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education, Anna Drobyna, Head of International Office, Maryna Yevchenko, Project Manager of International Office, Iryna Savchuk, Manager of Student Office, Kostiantyn Rebekevsha, Head of Student Council.

This time, universities from Austria, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Italy, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Turkey were represented among the partners offering mobility programs for the next semester.

The selection of applicants consisted of three stages, namely:

  • Motivation letter;
  • B2 level English language test;
  • Interview with the selection committee. Selection results are now available at the Facebook group KROK_Exchange. To ensure the transparency, the event was recorded, watch the recording at the link.

Congratulations to the winners! We believe that you will benefit from spending the semester at the European higher educational institution and will worthily represent “KROK” University at the international level!

Good news for those who could not participate in the selection! An additional Call for participation in mobility programs is announced!

Follow the news!

19 April 2023 In Current News

The event was opened by Sergii Laptiev, President and founder of the University, Professor. Andrii Kuchko, Rector of University, Professor, delivered a congratulatory speech and expressed his gratitude to the staff.

«KROK's» birthday is a great opportunity to remember and thank those who create its future, and the best representatives of «KROK’s» community.

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