International Forum on Popularization of Dual Form of Education within COOPERA

28 April 2023

On April 28, 2023, under the patronage of USAID project «Economic Support of Ukraine», the public organization «Ukrainian Marketing Association», the Scientific and Methodological Center of Higher and Professional Pre-Higher Education, as well as the Federation of Employers of Ukraine the International Forum devoted to popularization of dual form of education «Public Dialogue of Business and Educational Institutions» was organized. About 150 representatives of academic and business institutions participated in the event.

The welcoming speech was given by: Iryna Lilyk (president of NGO «Ukrainian Marketing Association»), Snizhana Leu-Severynenko (Ph.D., senior manager of labor potential development of the USAID Project «Economic Support of Ukraine»), Lyudmila Vasilega (director, Center of Competences and Human Capital Development of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine).

The purpose of the event was to discuss practical cases of the implementation of a dual form of education in Ukraine and popularize best practices.

Representative of COOPERA project coordinator from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova - Lilia Kovash, Associate professor, spoke about the experience of Moldova in the field of implementing programs under the dual form of education. The event was attended by the partners of the consortium from Ukraine. Team from «KROK» University (Natalia Litvin - First Vice-Rector of the University, PhD, professor and Andrii Lotariev - Director of Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education, Ph.D.), presented COOPERA project to colleagues from educational institutions and employers.

Participants gained international experience from foreign partners from Kazakhstan, Moldova, Latvia, discussed the news, challenges, and shared best practices. Telegram channel for students «DualClud.UA» to popularize dual education among students, and also the European online platform for training mentors, which, thanks to USAID, has been already translated into different languages were presented.

The partners actively participated in the discussions, which highlighted the following topics: «Interaction between employers and educational institutions during the dual form of education» (Dagnia Vanaga, director of Riga State Technical College), «What do employers benefit if they participate in dual training?» (Gunta Tilaka, coordinator of experts of industry councils of the Confederation of Employers of Latvia), «Peculiarities of implementation of dual form of education by agricultural higher education institutions» (Yuriy Danko, doctor of economic sciences, professor, vice-rector for scientific work of Sumy National Agrarian University).

Many thanks for the wonderful organization of the event! We believe that such meetings will help us develop, popularize and implement dual forms of education!

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