September 2024 - «KROK» University
13 September 2024 In Current News

On September 2 - 6, 2024, "KROK" University students commenced their educational visit to Lithuania as part of the Erasmus+ KA2 project "Synergy of Educational, Scientific, Managerial, and Industrial Components for Climate Management and Climate Change Prevention" / CLIMAN at Mykolas Romeris University. The first week of the program was rich and informative, focusing on climate change and the role of stakeholders in mitigation strategies.

The educational program included lectures, seminars, and field research conducted by leading professors and scientists from various countries. The first day began with registration and an official introduction, followed by the inaugural lecture by Professor Paulo Pereira on "Climate Change: A Global Issue." This lecture served as the foundation for subsequent discussions and practical sessions.

Particular emphasis was placed on seminars addressing climate change in coastal and urban areas, including issues related to adaptation and mitigation of climate change impacts.

The first week of training in Lithuania proved to be not only an intellectually enriching experience but also an excellent start for future collaboration and research in the field of sustainable development and climate management.

13 September 2024 In Current News

On 1-7 September 2024 Sustainability Training in frameworks of the project Synergy of educational, scientific, management and industrial components for climate management and climate change prevention/ #CLIMAN took place at Università di Foggia, Italy.

KROK University was represented:

  • Andrii Lotariev – Director of Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education;
  • Halyna Bohachenko – Director of International Project Office;
  • Anna Drobyna – Head of International Office;
  • Anastasiia Shepelia – Project Manager of International Office;

Partners had an incredible week filled with insightful sessions, engaging workshops, and productive discussions.

We kicked off with consultations for universities, followed by a warm welcome from host Giulio Esposito and project coordinator Jan van Zwieten. Sustainability trainer Oliver Schmidt set the stage for the week’s program. The day concluded with an interactive Q&A session.

The next day focused on the sustainability goals as strategic tools, presented by Oliver Schmidt. We then delved into developing and implementing joint sustainability strategies. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mirko Barz led a session on “Sustainable Bioenergy.” The afternoon featured self-study and group work, supported by our EU experts, alongside consultations for universities. We wrapped up with a Q&A session.

On another day, Ieva Bruskle shared valuable insights on creating sustainable and climate-focused business solutions. Oliver Schmidt continued with a discussion on sustainable education and funding structures. We also had a workshop on building networks and leveraging synergies. The day included more self-study and group work, with additional consultations and a Q&A session.

Presentations from Georgian and Ukrainian universities on sustainability concepts were followed by feedback from our EU experts. Prof. Laß-Seyoum discussed the prospects and challenges of hydrogen as a sector coupling element. The afternoon was dedicated to self-study and group work, with continued consultations and a Q&A session.

The final day featured cultural and networking activities in the morning, providing a great opportunity to connect and reflect. The afternoon was focused on finalizing strategies with expert support and concluded with final remarks and the closing of the training.

Many thanks to all participants, speakers, and organizers (Università di Foggia)  for making this week a success! Together, we’re paving the way for a more sustainable future.



05 September 2024 In Current News

On 26-30 August 2024, Foggia University (Italy) hosted the Sustainability Training as part of the INTERADIS/International Students Integration and Adaptation project (619451-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).

Event was attended by the following partners: KROK University, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Odesa National Polytechnical University, Mariupol State University, Sumy National Agrarian University, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ivan Franko National University , National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Netherlands Business Academy, the Netherlands; Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden, Germany; Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania; Hultgren Nachhaltigkeitsberatung UG, Germany.

Sustainability training in international projects is essential for ensuring compliance with regulations, enhancing resource efficiency, managing risks, and fostering positive stakeholder relationships.

The main goal of the training is to develop and discuss a joint sustainable development strategy and an individual strategy for each Ukrainian project partner.

During the week workshops were also organized on the preparation of a sustainability strategy, work in teams to share experience, recommendations of partners on the implementation of the project and new opportunities for cooperation were discussed.

Many thanks to Università di Foggia for well organised event as well as to all partners of #interadis project.

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