Students' participation in the summer school “Rule of Law” (Poland)

23 September 2024

From 29 August to 05 September 2024, a 4th year student of the Bachelor's degree programme ‘International Economic Relations’, Oleksandra Presnyakova, and a 1st year student of the Master's degree programme ‘Law’, Solomiia Romasevych, took part in the European Summer School: Rule of Law’ organised by SWPS University in Sopot, with the support of NAWA (Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange).

Justice, solidarity, tolerance, equality, non-discrimination are the values enshrined in Title 2 of the Treaty on European Union and are indeed the foundation of democracy, so the summer school included a rich programme covering various aspects of legal and socio-political topics.

It was a unique opportunity not only to learn more about history, but also to discuss current issues of human rights and the rule of law in the context of modern Europe, to meet with the Minister of Justice of Poland, to visit the Centre for European Solidarity and the World War II Museum.

There was also an opportunity to meet like-minded people and future colleagues who inspire work and development. Leading professors from Lithuania, Poland, France, Slovenia and Bulgaria enthusiastically delivered interesting and informative lectures that deepened the understanding of the rule of law and its application in various areas of legal and social life. Such events foster a great responsibility to the future generation in the education of European values, in the conscious sense of the word. 

We are grateful to SWPS University (Sopot) for the warm and friendly welcome!

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