Andrii Lotariev, Head of International Office gave a welcoming speech at the beginning of the concert. He wished all the students success in their studies and congratulated on International Students Day!
The event was opened with the song «One Million Scarlet Roses» performed by Honarmand Hedieh, Kahlani Razieh, Victoriia Shraif and Olha Velichko .Then, students from Adeda Oghenekparobor Victory, Ahoua Ellegnoan Jean-Baptiste, Masomi Mohammad Naeem, Abdolnabi Feghi, Ghadami Morteza made presentations about their native countries.
To add, the students like Obiebi Aruoture Washington, Ahmed Juned, Padiliia Luis Enrike Ow, Jezebuiro Zita Uju, Kahlani Razieh entertained everyone with their unique voice and marvelous dancing.
We sincerely thank all the participants, as well as the organizers, for their wonderful mood and incredible emotions, namely: senior teacher Victoriia Shraif, teacher Olena Chertkova, teacher OlhaVelichko, teacher Tetiana Denysenko and Administration Manager Maryna Yevchenko.