«KROK» University in All-Ukrainian Scientific-Methodical Conference

27 October 2020

On October 22, 2020, the V All-Ukrainian scientific-methodical conference «Modern aspects of organizational and methodological support of the environmental component of professional training» was held online on Zoom platform, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University.

In general, the conference was attended by representatives of higher education institutions of Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus. Topics and reports presented at the conference focused on the peculiarities of the educational process in higher educational institutions in the conditions of the spread of COVID-19, the specifics of teaching and content of individual disciplines, as well as the impact of international cooperation and international projects to improve training of specialists in higher education institutions.

Halyna Bohachenko, Project Manager of International Office at «KROK» University, made a report on «Erasmus + Projects. Capacity building of higher education. Best practices and influence» and presented the projects of «KROK» University #EANET, #MEDIATS, #CLIMAN, #INTERADIS, #COOPERA, the way of their preparation and implementation. It is worth noting that «KROK» University and Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University are partners in #CLIMAN project.

The following reports were also presented at the plenary session of the conference:

  • Tatiana Buchyk, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Finance of Palessie State University (Republic of Belarus), Associate Professor, the topic of the report – «Organization of the Educational Process at Palessie State University Under Special Epidemiological Conditions»;
  • Nataliіa Tsapko, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Wastewater and Industrial Water, Head of the Department of International Relations and Scientific and Technical Information of the Research Institution «Ukrainian Research Institute of Environmental Problems», Associate Professor, topic of the report – «Features of Accreditation of Educational and Scientific Programs for Applicants Third Level of Higher Education of Research Institutions and Institutions of Higher Education»;
  • Nataliіa Vnukova, Head of the Department of Ecology of Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Professor, the topic of the report – «Educational and Methodological Principles in the Structure of Modern National Environmental Education».

We truly thank the Department of Ecology of Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University for the invitation to participate in the conference and congratulate them on its 90th anniversary!

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