Grantholders’ Meeting of the European Union Erasmus + Program

12 February 2021

Andriі Lotariev, Head of International Office, and Halyna Bohachenko, Projects and Programs Manager, participated in the Grantholders meeting of the European Union Erasmus + Program.

On January 25-29, 2021, series of presentations and workshops on the rules of implementation of CBHE projects, meetings of the project teams with Project Officers of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture EC Executive Agency (EACEA), with participation of representatives of the EU Directorate Generals, the EU Delegations in the partner countries, the Erasmus + National Offices and the National Erasmus + Agencies took place. Issues of the current state and future perspectives for capacity building in higher education, the role and responsibilities of higher education institutions, the implementation, monitoring and financial management of CBHE projects, as well as project management during the COVID-19 pandemic were discussed on the first day of the event.

On the second day, 7 regional workshops, as well as a plenary session on studying of the impact of CBHE projects, monitoring and assessment of the impact of EU development policy was discussed.

During 3-5 days, e-Booths were presented. 12 parallel sections of networking and exchange of best practices took place. Meetings of the winning teams of the 2020 projects COOPERA «Integrating Dual Higher Education in Moldova and Ukraine», CLIMAN «Synergy of Educational, Scientific, Management and Industrial Components for Climate Management and Climate Change Prevention», INTERADIS «International Students Adaptation and Integration», with EACEA Project Officers were carried out. Andrii Lotariev and Halyna Bohachenko represented «KROK» University, the co-coordinator of all 3 abovementioned projects.

The participants received recommendations, obtained information and practical skills on new rules and features of Erasmus + KA2: Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) projects, as well as established new links with representatives of offices and agencies in order to further maintain a successful level of implementation of EU Erasmus + programs for Ukrainian stakeholders.

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