International Credit Mobility Action Day

07 November 2017

On November 7, 2017 in the frameworks of International Erasmus+ Week the event “International Credit Mobility Action Day: how to prepare applications for the contest and implement projects” took place at «KROK» University. It was organized by National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine and «KROK» University under support of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Education, Culture and Audiovisual Executive Agency. The event gathered about 150 representatives of higher education institutions and training centers.

Svitlana Shytikova, Director of the National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine, Liubov Shchitka, Head of Department of International Educational Projects and Cooperation with International Organizations, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Andrii Kuchko, First Vice-Rector of «KROK» University welcomed the participants.

Ivanna Atamanchuk, Manager of NEO in Ukraine delivered presentation on International Credit Mobility and key opportunities for cooperation.

Markus Symmank, Leiter des Referats Mobilität von Einzelpersonen, National Agency «Higher Education», DAAD – German Academic Exchange and Naquita Lewis, Erasmus+ Programme Lead of Higher Education of Erasmus+ UK National Agency and British Council provided recommendations on applications, selections procedures and criteria, key documents and practical handbooks.

Speakers from Germany Judith Peltz, Leiterin Akademisches Auslandsamt / Head of International Office, Fachhochschule Bielefeld, University of Applied Sciences and Johannes Abele, International Office, Universität des Saarlandes discussed International Credit Mobility as a starting point for sustainable cooperation with Germany.

Spanish experience of implementing projects with Ukrainian partners was presented by Juan Carlos García Galindo, Director General de Relaciones Internacionales / General Director (AVP) of International Relations, Universidad de Cádiz.

Sumy State University and Igor Sikorsky Polytechnic University of Kyiv presented their own experience in providing and managing projects of ICM.

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