July 2024 - «KROK» University
29 July 2024 In Current News

The international project Webometrics Ranking Web of Universities, a global ranking of universities that assesses their presence and influence in the web space, has published the ranking for July 2024.

According to it, «KROK» University is one of the leaders among private universities in Ukraine! Webometrics is considered one of the most authoritative web rankings of educational institutions and is compiled by one of the largest scientific institutions in Europe - the National Research Council of Spain. The main idea of the ranking is to assess the scientific, educational and social mission of universities through the indicators of their representation in the web space. Among 292 higher educational institutions of Ukraine of all forms of ownership, «KROK» University took 72nd place, and among private educational institutions - one of the leading positions.

The results of the study are available at the link. Congratulations to KROK's community on a worthy result in the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities!

29 July 2024 In Current News

8 - 21 July 2024, students of KROK University took part in a mobility within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 project ‘Synergy of educational, scientific, managerial and industrial components for climate management and climate change prevention’/CLIMAN. The event was held at the HTW Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Germany.

The leaders of the Student Scientific Society Denys Shtak and Oleh Pravdyvyi, as well as the leader of the LOTOS Environmental Club Sofia Vengrinovych, represented KROK University.

The students studied hydrogen and technologies related to it, as well as hydrogen and oxygen production through hydrolysis. 

The training took place in modern classrooms and specially equipped laboratories, where students practiced the knowledge they had gained in lectures. 

Various excursions were also organised, including to the German company Boreal Light, which manufactures special machines for filtering water from salts and metals and purifying it from bacteria.

This experience is extremely important for students to implement future projects, trainings, and workshops.

29 July 2024 In Current News

On July 18, 2024, a three-day training within the framework of the Erasmus+ project Art of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (Mediation) / ArtNoConflict, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, where KROK University is represented by PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of State Law Disciplines of the Faculty of Law Inna Dolianovska and Associate Professor of the KROK Business School, Ph. Natalia Kalinina. The last two days of the training were devoted to discussing such issues as: how to prevent conflict? how not to deepen the conflict situation even further, with the impossibility of any reconciliation? what communication tools are best used to help the parties understand each other? finally, how to encourage the parties to hear each other to find the best solution with the help of an intermediary - a mediator? how to turn conflict into productive communication. 

These important questions will form the basis of the training programme for young people from Ukraine, Georgia, and the Netherlands, which will help them to acquire skills in non-violent communication and conflict de-escalation using mediation tools. 

The KROK University team is sincerely grateful to the training organiser - the Netherlands Business Academy and the Academy's rector, Professor Jan van Zwieten, as well as to the trainers from the NLBA and Mykolas Romeris University (Vilnius, Lithuania). Let's keep working on the project!

26 July 2024 In Current News

We are sharing great news from the international rating agency EdUniversal.  According to the results of the annual ranking of the best Master's programs, KROK Business School's Master of Business Administration program entered the Top 70 - the world ranking and ranks 66th in the MBA part-time worldwide.

We have risen three steps in the world ranking over the past year and moved from 69th to 66th place.

Our results reflect the quality of our work, which is assessed by three main criteria:

  • Program reputation: being known and recognized by recruiting companies and having a proactive approach to them.
  • Salary upon graduation: employing your graduates in the best jobs on the market.
  • Student satisfaction: you work to improve your programs based on student feedback.”

Despite the challenges of wartime, difficulties and problems, we continue to work hard for the benefit of Ukraine, offering quality business education. KROK Business School team is proud of the achieved result and sincerely congratulates students, graduates, lecturers, partners, and administrators on this achievement. We continue to develop MBA programs, Ukrainian business, and make our contribution to the development of the Ukrainian economy through trained, professional managers.

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