July 2024 - «KROK» University
26 July 2024 In Current News

From 16 to 18 July 2024, the training in frameworks of the Erasmus+ project "The Art of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (Mediation)" / #ArtNoConflict is taking place in Dordrecht (Netherlands), where KROK University is presented by Inna Dolianovska, PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of State Law Disciplines of the Law Faculty; and PhD Nataliia Kalinina, Associate Professor of KROK Business School. The representatives of KROK are hospitably hosted by the Netherlands Business Academy, where together with the representatives of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Kharkiv, Ukraine), Shota Rustaveli State University (Batumi, Georgia), Mykolas Romeris University (Vilnius, Lithuania) they are having 3-day training for mediators.

The first day focused on organizational matters and more. Topics discussed included the nature of conflict, its stages of development, the roles and positions of the parties involved, the emotional aspects—particularly anger—and its impact on the conflict's progression, resolution, and outcome. The day was enriched with intriguing case studies and practical exercises led by the project's trainers. In the upcoming days, the training will continue to address issues related to the project's goal of fostering an environment for effective conflict resolution among young people.

17 July 2024 In Current News

On 8-9 July 2024 Project Steering Commettee Meeting in frameworks of the project Synergy of educational, scientific, management and industrial components for climate management and climate change prevention/ #CLIMAN took place at HTW Berlin - Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, Germany.
KROK University was represented:

  • Andrii Lotariev – Director of Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education;
  • Halyna Bohachenko – Director of International Project Office;

After the Welcome words by HTW Administration, Prof.Dr.Stefanie Molthagen-Schnöring, Vice President Reserach, Prof.Barz and Prof.Lass-Seyoum greeted the participants, introduced the course program for the students. Tour to visit the HTW Campus and the Laboratories for Renewable Energy Technologies was organized. Noteworthy to mention, that these activities were organized for both university staff and for students, who came for 2 week mobility program. After the welcome part, the series of management workshops was organized for steering committee of CLIMAN. Upcoming visits, documentation and reporting was discussed. The partners presented the achieved results and enjoyed networking. 

Many thanks to HTW-Berlin, to Prof.Mirko Barz for the perfect organization of the event!

08 July 2024 In Current News

On July 2-3, 2024, the Academy of Economic Sciences of Moldova (Chisinau, Moldova) hosted a meeting of partners within the framework of the international Erasmus + project "Integration of Dual Higher Education in Moldova and Ukraine / COOPERA".
KROK University was represented:

  • Andrii Lotariev – Director of Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education;
  • Halyna Bohachenko – Director of International Project Office;
  • Anastasiia Shepelia – Project Manager;
  • Artem Lotariev - Project Manager.

Partners from Ukrainian universities joined the event: Uzhhorod National University, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Odesa National Economic University; partners from Moldova: Technical University of Moldova, Free International University of Moldova; European partners: University of Lleida (Spain), Varna University of Management (Bulgaria), WSB University (Poland) and Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (Germany).

The purpose of the meeting was to present the results of the project piloting and prepare for the final reporting.

The meeting program included the following activities:

- Discussion of ensuring the sustainability of the project after its completion;

- Dissemination of project results and preparation for final reporting, setting deadlines;

- Project session for Consortium project managers.

Many thanks to the team of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM) for organizing such an interesting and effective event, as well as to all the partners of the #COOPERA team for their active participation!

08 July 2024 In Current News

KROK Business School was recognized for its social impact and sustainability achievements when the Positive Impact Rating (PIR) results were launched today at the UN PRME Global Forum. KROK Business School was one of 77 business schools from 30 countries worldwide that took part in the rating this year and achieved Level 3, making it a Progressing school within the PIR.

The PIR is a rating conducted by students and for students. For the third time, students worldwide assessed their business schools on how they perceive their positive impact in the world. The positive impact of business schools goes beyond their contribution to business and the economy; it addresses the need for their positive impact for society.

Students assessed how KROK Business  School and KROK University addresses societal and sustainable challenges and prepares its students to be responsible business leaders. The data collection in KROK Business School was organized and led by the member of Staff-Student Committee, who distributed the PIR survey across campus to their fellow students. This year more than 200 students responded to the survey.

Participating in the PIR demonstrates the value KROK Business School and KROK University gives to student feedback and voice.

The PIR was created by business school experts together with global NGOs - WWF, Oxfam, and UN Global Compact. International student associations oikos, AIESEC, and Net Impact partner with PIR, supported by VIVA Idea (Costa Rica), The Institute for Business Sustainability Foundation & Fehr Advice, both from Switzerland.


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