Honesty is one of the main values of KROK University

03 July 2020

One of the main priorities of «KROK» University is the anti-corruption position of the founders to any manifestations of corruption: by the administration of the institution and teachers in relation to clients in their internal activities, as well as in legal relations with business partners, public authorities, local governments .

From the very beginning of «KROK» University's existence, the priority of «Say No to bribery!» was and is a leader in interaction with customers and partners. The parents of the future students reacted very strangely to the words that in our institution there are no additional costs, except for those provided for in the agreement. Many parents did not believe it, but no one demanded any additional funds, students were forbidden to buy flowers for exams, it was not possible to «buy» a mark or pass examination session for money…

For many years, the administration of the institution together with the Student Council conducts a semester anonymous sociological survey of students and staff, where each KROK member has the right to express their views and draw attention to shortcomings in order to improve efficiency. Meetings with students are systematically held at all levels, where each student has the opportunity to express his/her views, ask questions and get answers. Each client has the opportunity to address the problem through various communication channels - personal appeals to the administration, e-mails, written appeal to the box, the channel of clients’ appeals on the website, closed poll, ranking of lecturers, Student Council, etc.

One of the effective ways of anti-corruption measures is close cooperation with public organizations, where discussions, meetings with interesting people, exchange of experiences, actions «Say No to bribery!» are conducted. During these events, everyone declares their intentions to spread the anti-corruption ideas for the sake of building and prosperity of Ukraine.

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