Meeting of University and College administration with student body 2022

20 September 2022

On September 20, 2022, a traditional meeting of the University and College administration with the student body took place online (Teams) and offline (the assembly hall of "KROK" University).

The meeting took place in the form of a friendly dialogue, during which the student activists had the opportunity to express their opinions and their own visions, as well as directly communicate with the administration, consisting of: Rector Andriii Kuchko, First Vice-Rector Nataliia Litvin, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work (Legal Education ) Anatolii Frantsuz, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work (Corporate Governance) Nataliia Nakonechna, College Director Liudmyla Sumbaieva, Director of Educational and Scientific Institutes of information and Communication Technologies Valentyn Rach, as well as Heads of departments.

Rector Andrii Kuchko emphasized that such meetings are an important component of improving the quality of education at the University and College.

Nataliia Litvin, First Vice-Rector, spoke in more details about the organization of the educational process in the online format.

Director of Student Office Liudmyla Slepenko congratulated students with the beginning of the academic year and reminded about the benefits of using the new application Telegram assistant.

Anna Drobyna, Head of International Office, provided students with the information on the international possibilities offered by “KROK” University, namely Erasmus+ ICM programs, bilateral exchanges, short-term scholarship programs. Also, Ms Anna presented the Buddy program, implemented at “KROK” University within INTERADIS/International Students Adaptation and Integration Project, and emphasized that new buddies are wanted, described the benefits of Buddy system.

Acting Director of the Department of Students Affairs Alina Holtseva announced upcoming student projects and events.

After the speeches of the representatives of the administration, students actively asked various questions, important for the student community. At the end of the meeting, Nataliia Nakonechna once again emphasized the fact that "KROK" University is a territory of honesty, openness, anti-corruption and student-centeredness.

We sincerely thank the students for the active position shown during the meeting. We hope for further fruitful cooperation and constructive dialogue in all formats!

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